Application Period Closed
Winners will be announced in April
Stay Tuned!
Find out more about our 2023 survey that captures critical truths on the impacts of psoriasis on day-today life that shed light on patient self-confidence and well being!
2023 Survey on
Living with Psoriasis
Workplace Challenges Report
Working it Out: A report on the experiences of people with psoriatic disease in the Canadian workplace.
Don't miss out on great information about living with psoriatic disease, issues surrounding access to treatment, updates on the work we are doing at CAPP, and so much more. Visit our resources section to learn more and subscribe!
Pso Newsworthy
We cannot do the work that we do without your help. Consider supporting us with a small donation and help today and show your support for those living with psoriatic disease!
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a group of psoriasis
patients like you.